Why Your Wireless Security Camera May Not Be Real-Time?

A real-time wireless security camera is a monitoring gadget that permits users to witness the events as they unfold. Wherever you are it will give you a piece of mind as you know you can get a clear view of what is happening around your home or your office or your any property over your tablet or smartphone or computer at any time.

The modern monitoring camera comes with amazing features where besides getting a view of what is going on you can communicate with the surroundings from far distance and bundles of other features, you can click here for more information. Real-time viewing is one of those key features but sometimes a delay can be seen. Some factors affect it and knowing them can be helpful to deal with the occurring problem.

Factors Affecting Real-time Wireless Security Camera Footage

A slide difference between what you see on your screen and what is happening outside can cause some difficulties. It can happen with your wireless security camera due to many reasons. There are some of the factors that usually affect or we can say cause the delay in real-time monitoring:

Network Dormancy

Your wireless camera is connected to your place network so any issue with the network can affect the performance. In places with a lot of Wi-Fi-connected devices or where the network connection is slow a delay in video feed can be observed. Additionally, the distance between the camera and the router also affects the Wi-Fi signal strength, the closer the camera is to the router the better signal it can catch.

Camera Processing

After capturing the image the camera will process it into signals and then transfer it to your screen so if the camera processing is slow the time to transfer or process the data will be increased and you will see a small delay in the footage. Some cameras have a low frame rate which means that the camera sends fewer images in a second to conserve bandwidth. In this case, it feels like the delay in real time even though it is not.

Wireless Signal Obstruction

Any type of interference that causes a barrier to the wireless signals is significant to notice. It can be physical like the furniture and the wall. The interference can be electronic if your place has some other wireless devices that are working at a similar frequency as your wireless camera then there will be electronic interference.

Capacity and Isolation of Router

Routers come with a specific limit which describes the number of devices they can handle effectively and if you are overloading the router of your place then it will surely slow down all the processing devices including your wireless camera. As mentioned earlier router distance or isolation from the camera can also become a reason to provide weak signals and delay in real-time monitoring.

Camera Settings

Delays in real-time footage can be corrected by making proper adjustments in the camera settings. The modern camera setting comes with the option of higher resolution and higher frame rate but you should know that to acquire those settings you must have to provide more data and strong network signals.

Cloud Storage and App Performance

There is a camera feature by which the camera will upload the footage before showing it to the screen. if your camera is uploading every footage then it will take time to show results on screen and introduce the delays. Besides this, the cloud service and the speed of the server processing the data also affect the real-time viewing. The app and the devices through which you are watching the live video also affect the timing if they are not optimized for it.

Load on Server

In a few cases, the server that is providing service to the camera is overloaded and it will stream the content slowly. Distance between the server and the camera or your location can also affect the processing.

Tips to Solve Real-time Footage Issues

By keeping in mind the above-discussed factors some simple tips can help you to improve the real-time performance of your wireless security cameras.

  • Upgrading the internet plan allows you to provide a high-speed connection to your wireless devices.
  • Place the router where it can provide strong signals to the camera by minimizing the interference both physically and electronically. You can also go with Wi-Fi extenders or mesh networks to ensure proper network connectivity.
  • Make some changes in the camera settings such as balancing the frame rate and resolution according to your network optimization.
  • In the hour of need reduce the number of devices connected to the network so the camera has maximum and strong signals to work.

Ending Thoughts

Your wireless security camera comes with built-in real-time monitoring but you may notice a delay in what you are seeing on your screen and what is happening outside. It is possible due to some network issues or the router needing some adjustments or it is your camera that needs some changes in settings. You can also improve the real-time viewing by reducing the load on the network for optimal performance.



Edward is a blogger who writes about various topics, such as the commercial, industrial and automotive fields. He has a lot of experience in these industries and loves to share his knowledge with others. Randalle is always looking for new ways to improve himself and hopes to help others do the same.

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